Own Pictures Thread

I just got back from the first annual (i believe) North California Pirate Festival. There was some cool stuff to see and buy there. Lots of pirates, drunks, drunk pirates, and fine wenches.:kickass: I took some pics...

some cannibals...

a cannibal with a very drunk pirate...

that same drunk pirate attacked by said cannibal...

a somewhat out of place viking (i was unaware that there were pirates in middle earth...:loco:

cool guy, he had his whole arm tattooed with runes and viking type things. he actually invited me to join one of their clans. good shit :headbang:
:lol:! Fucking awesome!

I can't wait for this year's Rennaiscance (sp) Fair this year, those things are fun. I missed last years, but 2 years ago we got really fucking drunk at my friends house all night, didn't go to sleep, so we walked there the next day at 8amstill drunk an tired, walking down the highway for an hour and a half (place was the next town over), and harrassed the locals.

My old Middle-school French teacher was there in full costume, it was embarrasing.
:lol: nice. yea it was pretty awesome. although i must admit i think I'm more interested in vikings than in pirates (which are fucking awesome dont get me wrong). The guy that invited me to their group, they have a couple guys there who are skilled at making ships, so they are going to make a viking longboat (they already have carved a dragon head for bow). It should be pretty fucking awesome. And its spelled renaissance :) but yea, i need to buy a sword:headbang:
Swords at the one here sucked last time, near by there is a liquidation store in a mall, they have really giant weapons for like 50% off
sweet. yea, alot of the swords there were kinda :erk: they had wooden ones too (ghey). The only good ones were the few that the dudes had on them. One guy pulled out a viking broadsword (it was really fucking sharp too) which kicked ass.