Own Pictures Thread

:lol: the wannabe dandy is back ( no i didn't bought that crap,it was just pure fun putting on random clothes which you wouldn't wear)
Anyone who's an AA fan is welcomed :kickass: So welcome Ryan... here's a cookie

:worship: Flo's body!!

@Alexis, :oops: macho :D
Oh god I just had to sift through 4 pages of this bullshit but here goes:

The only people who said that I am fat and ugly was this Arab Girl this towel head girl who's living in Canada. named Sarah the towel head.

LOL WTF! :lol::lol:

We don't care if you can play guitar, grab it and stick it in your ass and do it us a favor to everyone, go away and stop posting here, you're really annoying.

:lol: I actually like him most the time. Maybe that's cuz he's just an asshole hybrid troll like myself.

I was just pointing out a difference among all the similarities you guys seem to have formulated. Of course you guys don't give a shit. Just like no one wants to look at your ugly fat face in every god damn thread on COBOT.

Personal attacks lawl :lol:

PS. A rgumentum ad hominem by the way.

Dude, you just told YOURSELF to gtfo (in two languages):



lolz...found an OOOOOOOLD one.

NO BEARD OMG DON'T DO IT EVAR AGAIN... you, gonzo and I are the bearded musketeers saving this forum from the dirty french.
Eh, he's pretty cool for a black guy.

but Its not unusual for my family members to date interacially...Hell even I dated a black chick for a while.

:lol: Mine either, I prefer dark people to be honest. I haven't dated a white girl in a LOOOONG time.

My family won't tolerate such a thing man, I would be expelled from the legacy of my father in a second.

Coming to the topic:

Could you tolerate certain olfactory obstacles?
and could you get used to the taste of axle grease during cunnilingus

1. You're family is mexican, being expelled would only be a positive thing for you.

2. Ofcourse I could, anyone who gets hung up on race is a biggot and a faggot. Date based on personality not looks/race. I know you're kidding but still.

3. STFU :lol: You're more brown than white. Stop pretending.

ha, nah she was probably the whitest black chick I knew...but her vag DID taste kind of weird now that I think of it.

:erk: Agreeing with a point made by a mexican, -5 Ameri-points.

My father told me a friend of him fucked a black girl, and he told to my father her vagina smelled really strong, so he had to take a shower after sex.

I bet my father was that man

Dude, :lol: Please be joking. If you're being serious about this 'black girls are inferior' shit then tell me so I can flame accordingly. :lol: I still have faith you're being humorous but I have doubts.

what's the most sexual thing you've done?
^such a lame edit dude...plz edit at least the colors if u wanna pwn me...tztztz

Wtf, it wasn't an edit kid. I merely screencapped your post to show you your own self pwnage.

Now add this retardness to that fail for a X2 field multiplier of faggotry.

(Also, wtf would editing the colours accomplish??? Jesus. :lol:)