Own Pictures Thread

so why don't you give the camera to someone else for once?

No one asks...? I don't know, I rarely use my camera, the only reason I had it with me was because my brother borrowed it when he went to Venezuala in May, and then never gave it back until then. when we driving we saw the two rainbows so he told me to take a picture, so I just had the camera on me.

Anyways, I don't usually take pictures of people unless they ask or they are doing something funny/rediculous. My brother JUMPED into that shot like a ninja, it was pitch black.

Why am I being interogated? :p
From the Edguy show at BBKing's in NY last night!
Me and Jens. We had a long chat about languages and guitars... and the size difference between me and Nikki haha

Nikki taking a pic of Jens taking a pic of us.

The bunny ears now belong to Nikki

Me and the lovely Felix. The dude's a riot.

Quite the graceful Eggi

Group pic! Tobi didn't come out of the dressing room while we were there so no luck with him.

