Own Pictures Thread

@highbulletmind, You're pretty.. but let's see a bigger pic :)

@Poss, nice hair :p

@nachtraaf, cute :D
The keep the picture thread a picture thread, some pics of my student room

The kitchen:




Sleeping area


Couch including my dear friend Mr. Winnie The Pooh


View from upstairs

@Saartje: That looks fun! I like how the bed is all the way up the ladder and has its own little area. Reminds me of a tree house or something I'd be really excited about when I was a kid. It still makes me excited just by looking at it:p
^that's one of the reasons why I choose the place, it's kinda charming that the bed is upstairs. The only bad thing is that I have to be more careful when I take the ladder when I'm drunk cause it's really steep and I might fall down easily :lol:
Because I got him from friends when I was in a very difficult situation and because he's cute (sorry) and yeah Ikea rules!