Own Pictures Thread

I think the glasses look good :)

spam spam cause it's snowing :D :D :D

Fuck snow. If you want some, you can take some of ours. It's been snowing all goddamned day and frankly, I'm tired of it. I do not want to shovel again.
^:lol: Dude, don't know if you guys are getting the same shit we are, but if so then I feel for you. Canadian Winters ftl :p although I'm used to it, it's not the cold I hate just the shovelling. I wish I lived in the country still though... rural area + winter = epic win.
well, probably not in holland :p

there isn't snow everywhere in our country

but well, you guys might get lucky and get some snow too yeah
Weeell, Utrecht is not THAT far away from here, I think...:)

Fuck snow. If you want some, you can take some of ours. It's been snowing all goddamned day and frankly, I'm tired of it. I do not want to shovel again.

Lucky guy. :)
^:lol: Dude, don't know if you guys are getting the same shit we are, but if so then I feel for you. Canadian Winters ftl :p although I'm used to it, it's not the cold I hate just the shovelling. I wish I lived in the country still though... rural area + winter = epic win.


Shoveling sucks, but if i wasn't stuck in an urbanized suburb, I'd love the snow. Snowmobiles, sledding, etc are awesome....but there's nowhere to do that kind of shit where I am. It sucks....plus everyone who doesn't own a 4x4 vehicle is just an accident waiting to happen. Thats the only thing I like about my Explorer. Thing guzzles gas, but it pwns in the snow.
rox@ your hair looks better on the first, but your face is better on the second one imo ^^
Rocksane....you still look like the female character in the Dark Crystal....but you have amazing cheekbones.

Does that sound weird??
hahaha I remember that..dark crystal :lol:
it's a really good compliment, thanks :) nah I don't care..lol ( I found some ressemblances, like they have big eyes and pouty lips, like Ashley Olsen) haha
nah I don,t care lol
anyway thanks.. what I prefer is my eyes