Own Pictures Thread

Me a little frenchie plz don't throw foods on me.


You look my friend Ksenia.

P.S: :lol::lol::lol: to the guy that just got back from NYC !

Oh hai you must be new here.
Me a little frenchie plz don't throw foods on me.


P.S: :lol::lol::lol: to the guy that just got back from NYC !

Awwww come on, we don't throw food at frenchie...

... we throw soap.

En passant, tu ressemble à une fille que je connais, avec le même genre de décors dans lequel elle vie.

But do as Gonzo said, like noaw.



Him is awesome, i used to be a big fan before, and i can still enjoy some stuff. Ville Valo on the other hand, is quite gay.
Him is awesome, i used to be a big fan before, and i can still enjoy some stuff. Ville Valo on the other hand, is quite gay.
I started to listen to them when I was like... 8.
And I can still enjoy some of their songs too.
But the second sentence is fucking right!:D
Him is awesome, i used to be a big fan before, and i can still enjoy some stuff. Ville Valo on the other hand, is quite gay.
I like a HIM song every once in a while. You gotta admit the Wicked Game cover is great. I love Ville's voice.

He wasn't that gay when they played my venue back in November, actually. He was just dressed like a trendy-ass European. He walked with a slouch, smoked like a chimney, and talked like a sailor with a ridiculouly deep voice. He bitched about the fanbois. "I don't care about girls backstage, they're all kids anyway who just discovered eyeliner... but keep the guys out. They're disturbingly brainwashed."

I wrote it down, that's why I remember heh heh
^So is Bam Margera...
Bam's pussy-whipped by his wife. She married him under the condition that he stop doing Jackass. Besides that, he tries to dress like Ville like the fanboi he is and is surrounded by a cloud of ass-kissing suits wherever he goes.

Went into rehab in the fall because of her and is no longer allowed to hang out with Vains of Jenna(the band which played at his wedding!). As if staying away from THEM is gonna keep him from drinking with Ville? :lol:

He's been to my venue at least 5 times and I still haven't met him because of those corporate douches. I was there a half hour tops and met Ville because he thought I was the only friendly soul there :lol:. Very true!

Ville's gay cause he dresses like he's on a runway everyday and doesn't sleep with fans.
Bam's gay cause he's pussy-whipped and does business with bands simply because he's a fanboi and it's a door through which he can go from worshipper to "friend"(with $$$)
You piece of ****! why didn't you send me a message or something?
:lol: I don't know if you're joking or not... but...

:lol:@ Photoshop and the choice of background. Good job at being a douche, Joe.

Ok, now, I've been away for a while (busy) but I've got some new pics. I went to a COSTUME PARTY a couple weeks back. The theme was "Bring Back The Dead". Dress as a dead politican, celebrity, etc. I was Vampira, the 1950s horror tv flick hostess.

This is her:


Full length shot with mandatory lurker friend.

See? Only a drunken gay boy loves a trap!

Bring gr1m and drunk.



Ok, I expect plenty of trap and aghhh ugly!!! comments now!
