Own Pictures Thread

I was bored at work.


Awesome :lol:
Inhe's request: a pic where my face is not covered by my hair (couldn't find a better one)

Dunno why but I have a really weird expression there, :lol: But all the other pics are either headbanging (face covered by hair) or taken with cellphone at night (night + shitty quality=even if I focused just on my face it'd be nothing to see but black, :lol:).

:lol::lol: Hope I knew, :lol: As I'm not playing there it can be either ''Which is the next song?'' or if it wasn't a song ended but a bit in where just the other guitar player was playing ''OMFG why is his guitar so low??''. That gig was a fucking mess. If you play in a big venue, either you're a known band or bring your own sound engineer or you'll get shit sound, and the last one was what happened to us, :lol:
I didn't want to make it sound like that, sorry... I didn't say she's ugly or anything, she just looks...erm...dead on that pic. But sorry, I didn't mean it like that...
it's ok. It's hard to read expressions when you're talking on-line, so I thought you were calling her ugly by that comment :p

┼Victim of the Night┼;7176566 said:
Haha, aww, this pic...


..this pic...

= pure cuteness, for the cats and for those nice guitars. :)

(ps: Mystique, sorry for bumping the second pic, but I reminded of it and I loved it, definitely one of the cutest pics on the board, to me.)

no problem Eli! I'm glad you like the kitties and the guitars :p Do you have any pets? you should post some pics if you do.

(oh and I tried replying to you on the youtube thing, but I think your comment thingy isn't there...)
no problem Eli! I'm glad you like the kitties and the guitars :p Do you have any pets? you should post some pics if you do.

(oh and I tried replying to you on the youtube thing, but I think your comment thingy isn't there...)
Hehe, you're welcome, I really like them. :)

And no, I don't have any pets... well, I had a kitty when I was little but now not anymore due to some problems.

Oh yeah, that thing... sorry, I'll change it as soon as possible, I must have done something wrong. I'm such an idiot, sometimes, haha!! :p