Own Pictures Thread



:lol: Wow, wtf... you're not all bad. Congrats.

Lol the worst in all that is that I'm a bitch not when I'm pissed but only when I'm full happ and completely excited by life :lol:

:lol: I believe this. You're french, therefore everything is backwards :lol:
Dude... you have never seen a picture of my entire body, so you can't know what it looks like.
Then again, I know I should losesome weight yes, actually am on a diet and lost 7 kilos in 3 weeks, but it doesn't make a difference:rolleyes:

That's great. It was just an opnion, don't get me wrong. You just gave me that sensation, that's all.
But you're on the right path, so kudos to you!

Black Metal Dred!

OH GOD, I LOLED REALLY HARD!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice one, Fetzy!

ok that's me with my new leather jacket...(yes i have an emo-like haircut :lol:)

I think you're a wonderful human being and a very good looking lad. I wish you good luck and I'm sure you'll acomplish your goals and suceed in life.
@Chaos: Cool, nice pics! :) When did you take them?

I'm wondering how people get the chance to meet them... I want too! :p

...Leonardo DiCaprio? :p

ok that's me with my new leather jacket...(yes i have an emo-like haircut :lol:)

You remind me of someone I know... well, just a bit I think.

Baby Racoon we found behind my building.
Adorable as fuck.


Aww, sooo cute!! :) I want them behind my house too...:(
Aww, sooo cute!! :) I want them behind my house too...:(

They get big, and mean as hell.
Also since its the city, they are used to humans, and don't shoo away until you go over to them...and half the time they just hiss ans slash at you.

knocking over trash bins and spreading garbage all over >8(