Own Pictures Thread

I know i look like a retarded gorilla and gay and fat and all but this pic is epic for the thing i am holding :lol:

Man, that's epic. :worship:

I managed to get my dad to give me his 7" single for "Together Forever"... but it doesn't live up to that thing. :lol:

fun times on the weekends

i switched hoodies with my friend and its way to small for me lol

found this really old picture of me from highschool when i was a youngins and before i went into fat-mode
pretty :) I'm really liking the hair.

From a distance, yeah! I have a very serious case of split ends:p But thanks! :oops:

I see an Angelina Jolie from your side, except you're not pale and sickly looking :lol:

Ah... I actually heard that from one of the creepy clients at work. He thinks I am a mix of Angelina Jolie and Mary Kate Olsen:erk: I'll take the Angelina part as a compliment... but yikes!
Mang I'm pretty sure Starkiller was just the apprentice's Radio callsign y'know "Eclipse to Starkiller".

I've completed the game twice now just to get the two different ending costumes, the "good" ending costume is way cooler than the dark side ending's one. Now onto the harder difficulties :p
I started it on Hard.... fucking ridiculous idea. I fought my way to the second last level then decided fuck it and changed it to easy :lol: So weird after playing it on hard, then to easy where you fucking uberpwn everyone. It was awesome.

I've completed the game twice now just to get the two different ending costumes, the "good" ending costume is way cooler than the dark side ending's one. Now onto the harder difficulties :p

Hey the game is really worthy ?

I heard that is kinda repetitive and some levels looks like xbox graphics :erk:

The A.I. sucks ?
It is slightly repetitive, but in this case that isn't a bad thing as it's just repeated fun.

And the graphics are incredible throughout, whoever told you that the graphics look like "xbox graphics" is retarded.