Darkest Maiden said:Here is me with some photoshoppy filtershit done:
Sorry there are no boobs involved here...
bodomite said:
EagleFlyFree said:
Darkest Maiden said:Those 'two blondes' probably got shagged after.
Missery said:Shut the fuck up, biatsch. They didn't get shagged after and don't you insult us to be groupies for we are NOT. ask gavin. ha!
-Gavin- said:Yeah, they're not!I love thems!
Darkest Maiden said:Those 'two blondes' probably got shagged after. uke:
Tut Ankh Amon said:i doubt you can find someone with more knowledge about chavo del ocho than me
Alexis Eugenesken Araujo said:If you can prove that i guess i'll change into a redneck
Rubenios said:Me @ gig
me @ gig
Excess said:Down by the water at Sweden Rock Festival
At Graspop Metal Meeting. Well they have to know where you're from, right?
Wings of a dream said:Where's the UV reflection thing?
Hey you should let your hair go pink, like Hide from X Japan