Own Pictures Thread

^Saw that coming :lol:

I know, I'm a huge lurker in that pic.


Okay Mr. "You have long hair in a band of people with short hair, find a new band."

dude,you got me wrong!:erk: who talked about hair cuts? I meant their music suck so he should look for another band (because the guitar stuff in their songs wasn't bad at all).
All my mates got short hair and my hair isn't that long either, i don't care about hair cuts.
Besides, I laughed at the pics not at their hair cuts Mr.''I'm soo concered about short haired people that I have to protect them even when it's not necessary''
I really don't understand your problem :lol:
How do their Stephen Hawking signature series voice emulators pronounce "ø?"

Im sorry I just heavily implied that the whole of Scandanavia's population are spaz chariot bound, when in fact you are only downs.