Own Pictures Thread

It's kinda fucked up that Ensi, the lord of all forms of crude humor that most women would find horrificly offensive, is getting more action than 95% of this board :lol:

It applies to me.

You'd blow me away 666?

Lets get some ensi up in this motherfucker


Nice! You got WoW!
^You post a pic where you're grabbing your gf's boobs and then I'll recant.

Oh, and make sure she's also on this board too so she can see it.

Even if I went to her school to take the pic you would say that either it is photoshoped or some other idiotic thing like you do all the time.
^Yeah, because I've really ever seriously said that pics posted by anyone other than Ensi and Joe are photoshopped :rolleyes:

I'm serious. Take the pic and I'll recant.

Do you really think I would leave my job and take her out of school just because some fat guy on the internet told me to? You're not 14 anymore, arguing about having a girlfriend or not is pathetic.
can i take a pic holding my bfs cock?

I would say "Do it faggot" here, but that might be in poor taste

Do you really think I would leave my job and take her out of school just because some fat guy on the internet told me to? You're not 14 anymore, arguing about having a girlfriend or not is pathetic.

Dude, I'm not arguing. I'm having fun and making jokes. You're the one taking shit so seriously. Calm down.