Own Pictures Thread

Most people over 20 realize Image is bullshit :p.
Which one of you two had the idea to pose on a grainy webcam for internet pics?

lol, what are you talking about?
This pic is old, and it was her idea =P

I'm not all for striking poses, or just pictures in general.
If I'm caught on camera, it's never usually good =S

On top of that, I really dont know why anyone would try to be metal.
The metal look only works if you have a ton of muscle, or you are really fat trying to pretend most of it is muscle.
Yes, i was sick and still is :(

What are you sick from? You like very solemn in the picture.
Its just the angle i guess, also, werent you.. you know, ginger?

A bit yeah, and that's not just me trying to play down on the gingerness, it is pretty much just brown with some red in it..... I'M NOT GINGER DAMNIT I'M NOT!
A bit yeah, and that's not just me trying to play down on the gingerness, it is pretty much just brown with some red in it..... I'M NOT GINGER DAMNIT I'M NOT!

PFFT, dunno what the big deal with red hair is, I personally think some people with no freckles can look pretty cool with it, that said your hair looks strawberry brown more than full out red :lol:
Oh and the metal head image thing is bullshit, I wear clothes that are generally not at all related with 'metal heads' -
(taken with surprising clarity on a mate's mobile in some store, wearing a bad man's hat/cap)
