I just started with the worst broscience personal trainer... thank fuck it's only $10/hr through the school. He's trying to get me on the gayest routine I have ever seen. He also told me I don't need to do Squats or Deadlifts :O
He saw I was fat so he made me do a light workout on the stairmaster... bitch didn't know I run 30 mins on the treadmill or do 1hr of cycling on the highest level everyday.
But he realized I had mad cardio skillz and turned it up to level 15Fuck that sucked.
From my experiences most trainers can't even show you proper technique with squats/dl's.
Degrees don't dictate the validity of one's knowledge.
Some new pics of me, drunk on a boat from First week of September...
Some french kid from France... cool little dude. Think I look fat? Shoulda seen me beforeI've lost 30lbs since July
I thought you don't drink alcohol.
By multiples I assume you mean compound exercises. And you're right, I don't NEED those exercises, only thing is, BEGINNER BENEFIT FROM COMPUND EXERCISES. He's trying to start me on an advanced bodybuilding routine full of isolation exercises. It's bullshit. I told him the routine I wanted to be doing and he basically said I didn't need to do that.You don't NEED squats or deadlifts to be in shape, they are MULTIPLES exercise who's working the same muscles (and more at the same time). Actually, squats and deadlifts are semi-medium exercices and are not recommended if you don't know the proper technique(ie.ask you coach).
He was drinking wine, eating cheese and smoking while he pleasured me.how was his performance? i heard ther French are wild in bed
Gfto you just dont understand BM.
By multiples I assume you mean compound exercises. And you're right, I don't NEED those exercises, only thing is, BEGINNER BENEFIT FROM COMPUND EXERCISES. He's trying to start me on an advanced bodybuilding routine full of isolation exercises. It's bullshit. I told him the routine I wanted to be doing and he basically said I didn't need to do that.
PROTIP: I only fucking signed up for this douchebag PT TO LEARN THE FUCKING FORM OF THOSE EXERCISES. Not do a half-assed rushed hour of brocircuits.
I'm just laughing at the fact you actually went and bought $10/hr bro. Instantly reminded of 'I Love You Man' - "EVERYTHING YOU GOT, EVERYTHING YOU GOT!"
And tell him not to do isolation exercises, you pay him. Compound lifts burn so much calories, huge for fat loss. Although I wouldn't really know, I don't lift weights and am weak as fuck, I just heard so on /fit/ like everyone else does.