Own Pictures Thread

well it's sure been a while since i last posted my ugly face on here haha :D



dimebag420 said:
heres a pic of my girlfriend Stefania .. shes the best thing that has ever happened to me ... shes fucking SUPER SEXY i got her named tattood over my heart in the summer and im gonna buy her a promise ring soon

She is the best thing to happen to me too.

Why get her a promise ring? Just ask her to marry you. And a tattoo of her name...? Unless it's a name that every girl has, I'd never do that.
scornful blessing said:
Janne in female...I never looked at this point of view:tickled:

*amazed is*

That's okay. When I don't have my glasses on and my hair is back, like, I run my fingers through it and do a certain face, everyone I know tells me I look like the female Alexi.Quite shocking.
IconOfSin said:
holy shit and i'm planning on visiting Toronto sometime soon hopefully

better make my trip alot sooner ;)

Yeah...one problem. I live in Harrow, not Toronto. Harrow is a small 3000 population town that is...erm...South of Toronto.