Own Pictures Thread

Profanity said:
It could be one of these Cris's:
Cristian - Spanish
Cristiano - Latin
Cristobal - Spanish
Cristofer - Spanish
Cristofor - Spanish
Cristoforo - Italian
Criston - Spanish
Cristophe - Greek
Cristos - Spanish

This is the second time you lecture about Cris and it's origins...

I'm Cristina, nice to meet you. :)
Tut Ankh Amon said:
you have a penis
and a beard.

i even said "ok, bloodyscalpel will laugh of this" AFTER i re-read it for the 3rd time, but NO,i was thinking about her saying "chrisshhhtiana" when i posted that.
Sorry :p
How can you possibly be so sure? :lol:
But anyway...you made me sad:cry:

Me a few minutes ago :p

i have nothing to do XD