Own Pictures Thread

HalfpintHenkka said:
@Gavin: hehehe:D the sword and pizza picture:D nice

@OrdinaryStory: nice guitar:p hahahaha:p show us your new one lol

@Spike: i was still hanging on to the hope that you were kidding...but...*wipes her eyes* still lookin good!;)

will do. ill get a pic when i get home
Angels don't kill said:
so this would be me :p

@ spike: I'm not lazy anymore muhahahaha :p

I'm a bit tired here but they'll do

Yeah, I recoginize ya!
haha thanks it was for halloween... i was going to dress in all pink and white and scare the fuck out of ppl lol

This one is JOKE but still me. :p


On the left. :D


"Thinks that this topic has stolen from Cob Pictures :yell: "
Määgnös: that last pic is just plain scary. some might find it nice though I suppose. :)