Own Pictures Thread

Look how good I look, just LOOK

Here's me and my rowing crew, we're so cash

That's me and my GF, being rad and shit

Look at that shirt, am I extreme or WHAT?

Go ahead, bring the compliments.
No, the guy with the blue hat. Goddamn gingers.

Here's a picture of me, driving :3 I posted it on facebook but I have to post it here too :3 iluvalexi666<333
Holy shit is that Muscles Glasses bottom left!?!

Kind of, but much cooler. The guy was eating ribs and drank beers just hours before competition without losing effectiveness. On a scale of 10, his balls were over 9000.

near the cool muscle terrorist

LOL, he's so cash! Was a baseball player for Mcgill varsity, but shattered one of his leg mid-season. Was on hard pills for almost a year, but said "Ice cool, let's row and shit". And the guy did and he was one of our boiler!