Own Pictures Thread

Yeah seriously, you look like a guido. bwahaha lol@u.

nah, but you do look like a dude I knew in middleschool, and still see time to time.
Annoying little shit, but whatever.

@arcane: I'm 17 at the end of this month. I'll take that as a compliment, I'm subscribed to that dude and he is fuckin HYOOGE but meh not my ideal physique. His conditioning for his size is absolutely insane though.

Eventual goal physique would be something like John Cena or wrestling era-The Rock (yes I know Rock's prolly roided at least lately for some films, Cena may have who knows, he says no so may as well believe unless proven, no I will not use steroids, I'll just have to see how far I get, I'm only like 5'6 and 150lbs now. Need to get my lifts up, my best in terms of ratio to bodyweight were like 1.25x BW squat, 1.5x BW deadlift, 0.9x BW bench

@s: Indeed.

@cliffyb: lol that's cool I guess..? (the bit about that guy, not the guido bit, lol guidos, u jelly of a tiny 16yrold brah?) yeah don't even know what I'm supposed to say in response haha

Other than talking his head off in the middle of the night and fucking up the laces on my boot, he's super adorable. I only have him for the Karma, but he won't sit still for a good picture >8(