Own Pictures Thread

as far as i know intelligent design was from a few states...and i know that in some states they want the 'evolution is only a theory etc. etc.' sticker, but i dont believe it's actually BANNED

thats me quite a while ago... dont ya just love the wall paper?
Oh come on you know adam and eve were the first human beings. There is no way I came from no goddamned ape!!!! :lol:
a k.smith fan :D

Didnt kansas ban evolution? Or at the very least start to teach that it was seriously doubtable?

I met Richard Dawkins and talked to him about this, he was so angry he was spitting on me :lol:
Well the creationism thing is absolutley silly, and the bible belt needs a swift kick to the ass. We had complete outrage here because some Christians complained about a tv-show making fun of Jesus...nobody cared and freedom of speech was defended. Europe is about 100yrs ahead of all those puritanical mother fuckers.
100? No I think much more than that. If you ask me, America is going backwards. I spend this morning comparing Finland to America (US and Canada) and America is not the home of the free. Every day human and civil rights are being taken from citizens and police state is slowly being installed.
boys now i dont necesarily disagree with what you have to say, but leave politics for your families, otherwise, youll start wars on this board.
This is just sensible discourse between two people, not heavy politics. If anyone wanted to start a "war" over it, they'd be idiotic.

But yeah man, i agree. American media is heavily laden with bullshit like that.