Own Pictures Thread

Missiles said:


god. you look like BloodyScalpel. got any relationships with him?
Well, that jews are notorious (or at least have a reputation) for being into the diamond business. Hence, the word 'jeweler' struck me all of the sudden. Totally random comment btw :p
-|Testament|- said:
lol! i know that your inner desires are about him

Well, sometimes I have nightmares ( not wet dreams ) with him and and wake up suddenly in the night. Don't know why I have this strange Luke Skywalker feeling right now... o_O
Missiles said:
Well, sometimes I have nightmares ( not wet dreams ) with him and and wake up suddenly in the night. Don't know why I have this strange Luke Skywalker feeling right now... o_O
yeah right.
We all know you love me.