Own Pictures Thread

here's the latest in the Halfie Gallery, taken with the new digital camera:D :


"strangling" myself with a patch cable


handshot of yours truly playing guitar


my sister playing guitar:D

sowwie fow de huge piccy sizes...*big Puss-In-Boots eyes* hehe:D
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i look kinda bald on that pic! :lol:

allow me to post a hair metal one :p

(i look so glossy cause i was headbanging heavily seconds before! :lol: )

Well, I havent been on here in some time now but I felt I needed to post regarding this pic I saw of Tut.......

:OMG: DAMN! You are VERY nice looking!!

Ok..back to my little black hole
you sick bastardo telling me to give up the manwhoreness of da bodomite..... it shalt never be done foo! :lol: