Own Pictures Thread

Final_Product said:
We'd be tempted to say LE-ANDRO but it it nor pronounced LANDRO?
Everyone says 'lee-androw'
It should be le as the la in 'lay'
an as the un in 'under'
dro as in 'drone' but don't say DROW, clip it before.
sorta like drå :p
:oops:@ my choice of words :p
This is me and a very little known Fin, haha.

MegustaMucho said:
My real name is Marcio and some people here in québec can'nt pronounce it XD

They say Mar-chio or Mar-quio but we have to pronouce it Mar-sio :D

How come your name is Marcio?
That doesn´t sound very Canadian to my ears...
I love that name.
you do actually. though the sound is outwards and not inwards.
the non english speakers would probably pronounce it gonzailo whereas it's gonzahlo

my aunt from brazil already mangled my name enough that i'm used to hearing it in whatever way. she cals me Leeonarhrhdo where it's actually Leonardo, "le" as in "le tired" and rr said like you're cracking crackers. like a car engine starting! well you get the idea