Own Pictures Thread

Alexis Eugenesken Araujo said:
I like the water coconut :)

I was so excited when i defeated the game in " The legendary mode "


I'm playing Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic right now... sweet ass game (i'm more of a PS2 fan but X-Box did good with those games and Jade Empire, Fable)
My roommates like to live in very unsanitary conditions.
I just cleaned after all the mess and filth below.


The empty pizza boxes really add to the clean look of the place.


I really love my roommates right now.


And now, just for the hell of it, a very emo version of me. Sorry this post got kinda huge:p

metaru kurenai said:
come to holland... but you'll need a raincoat if you want to live here:rolleyes:
I heard that the average height in holland is 1.83m or something, as a short guy, that is AWFUL for my penis :lol:

But if the temperature is nice and cool in summers, it's something to consider :D
BloodyScalpel said:
I heard that the average height in holland is 1.83m or something, as a short guy, that is AWFUL for my penis :lol:

But if the temperature is nice and cool in summers, it's something to consider :D
i thought it was longer the average height.... that means i'm almost average :erk: