Own Pictures Thread

goth_fiend said:
sephiroth is one of my favorite characters, as is cloud, 7 wasnt the best final fantasy, but it certainly kicks ass, a friend of mine said I should do squall, I just said NO
7 is the crappiest FF ever, it's only better than 9.


And although I think 8>7(no shit), squall is still fucking gay as well :lol:

You should do faris instead of sephiroth and irvine instead of cloud :kickass:
TheSeldomlaid said:
Playability, story, characters, graphics (I know, not high-tech, but simple and really good), pretty much everything. FF8 had a lot better video sequences, but that's pretty much it.
materia is gay.

Cloud and sephiroth are both emos - on ff8, only squall is emo. ff8 wins

graphics: honestly I don't care. ff8 is newer and has better animations and is better modelled but it's irrelevant.

And ff8's story wins when it comes to randomness - random games sind krieg :worship:
BloodyScalpel said:
7 is the crappiest FF ever, it's only better than 9.


And although I think 8>7(no shit), squall is still fucking gay as well :lol:

You should do faris instead of sephiroth and irvine instead of cloud :kickass:



FFVII is pwns all!!!!!!!!
I like it the best... I just found it to be engrossing beyond any game except Xenogears. FFVIII is just under it, and the IX, X... but thats just the new generation FF games... IV, V, and VI pwn all as well