Own Pictures Thread

M. said:

i don't have many pictures of myself


ha i do have this one, though.... i don't remember why i took this.

you are all jealous of my washboard abs. it takes a lot of gym time to get this fit.

Heh, my washboard abs are the envy of all. :D
heres some OLD ass ones of me playing

Opening for Marky Ramone

Me dressed like angus, playing live

and my friend said i looked like joe satriani in this newer pic

i dont know
bobvex said:
Me dressed like angus, playing live
Bob rules :cool:

EDIT: Oh and Stefans hair is so much longer (and darker? ) än sist jag såg ett kort på honom ... cool :) (sorry, all the english vocabulary suddenly escaped my mind)
perfecterror said:
were you at the norfolk,va show because you look veeeeery fimiliar?????

:p No, I'm from the Netherlands (not Holland, cause Holland sucks! It's only two official provinces that are called that, North-, South-Holland, if you would translate it, anyway)

@ Delt: Better?

ange de la nuit: regarde en haut, j'en ai mis une.
(en premier je parlais du dessin que j'ai fait :loco: )

heavenscent: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :) :) :D

here's another one i just found of me playing classical guitar and wearing a fuckin ugly shirt:

why thank you, delt.

classical guitar = the shit