Own Pictures Thread

hatecrewchick said:
I thought i might scare you with some pics again:loco:


Hey! There´s the Hanson sister again!
Just got back from a trip in Martinique.. just thought I could share some cool pics with the fellow UM community.


There's no better view while drinking beer.. except at a metal gig... or at the strippers (kidding).


That was called Diamond Rock or something like that..


Mount Pelée.. which is one of the most killer volcanos of all time. Last eruption was like in the 20s if I remember correctly. Pple had to rebuild the city like 2-3 times hehe


Nice water fall.. was pretty refreshing after climbing 1.2km of the volcano from the last pic.


Some pretty bad ass pirate boat - it was in fact, the boat of some highschool class that also climbed the mountain with us.


Me as a pirate (...or a crip.. but I prefer pirate :) ) waiting to see how shitty the weather was in Montreal (and yeah, it was pretty shitty when we got there).
KillerGon said:
hey! you work there!!! :lol:
Hehe didn't think you would remember... by yeah! Have you heard about Project Assassins yet? Check this clip here if you haven't. From the creators of PoP ...it looks killer (seriously)! :)

PS : Ahh link is fucked up... try searching for Project Assassins.. or Assassins.