Own Pictures Thread

^ cool cool.. now I want to take a picture infront of the Sherman tank on display on post.

Well anyways I went to Rothenburg with my family today. It was pretty cool dispite the fact that all the shops were closed and the weather was crap.


I hate my hair

Taken outside of the crime museum.. aka old torture device museum. Cool as hell


I had to take a picture of theese lovely swords, called Flamberge, inside the crime museum *the were more in the imperial hall museum but no pics >_< ... you would a gawked at the huge collection of guns*. I love the kind that cause tons of damage. Note: They are bigger then me.

and I'll leave you with everyone's favorite torture device. The iron maiden.
stormy said:
yup AWSOOOOOME pics eva i love the swords :headbang:

They are awsome. The second picture one is just brutal... for people sword stupid, With those swords, you Jab to the hilt, turn, and pull out. Lovely ain't it^^

Peti said:
eva: cool pictures!
you rawk in the stocks:p
yes I am the only girl that can rawk the stocks XD