Own Pictures Thread

i would have thought you had a lot better standard for a goatee after ripping on mine for so long, but seriously, i would be ashamed haha, it's not even grown on the left

chin monster vs chin lint
*chin lint recedes back to adam's apple*
chin monster wins
EagleFlyFree said:
i would have thought you had a lot better standard for a goatee after ripping on mine for so long, but seriously, i would be ashamed haha, it's not even grown on the left

chin monster vs chin lint
*chin lint recedes back to adam's apple*
chin monster wins
okay, your beard pwns mine, big deal
you still look like a bearded lady :p

it doesn't show on the pics, but it's actually an U. There's a lot on the right side, a lot on the left side, and a tiny little link between both sides. It actually looks presentable from some angles (if you're being very very generous :lol: :p)
Tut Ankh Amon said:

and here's me with a nose so big it's bigger than my hotshot face :p


NO kidding! That nose is huge! and Yanko! What the hell did you eat? that plate looks gross.