Own Pictures Thread

^ heyyyyyy

*makes vague reference to tut engaging in self-fornication and/or ingesting feces* :D :loco: :Spin:
Spike said:
Miss Terror: Your picture is too small for me to even make you out let alone your sis (and it doesn't help that I woke up not more than 2 mins ago, and my eyes are all blurry and outta focus o_O ), so I'll just take your word for it. And the reason for the error occuring that you are getting is that Deron (metal ages) site owner/mod has shut down post searching and post history searching "temporarily" as he thinks that is the reason for the many slow downs and hangs in the site of late, and is trying to pinpoint the problem so he can fix it. :)
its a thumbnail, if you click on it, the picture will get bigger:D thanks for the info about the post search.

@thomas: you are a freak!!!! those pics are so funny! :tickled:
perfecterror said:
ps-why do i keep getting this message when i try to see my posts, whay do i do?!?

i guess this could be due to one of several reasons:

1.Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page.
2.Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
3.If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Enemy242 said:
i think you have to click the picture and then it enlarges in a new window?


Gimme a break! :cry:

Anyway, that explains why I missed the blatantly obvious, or at least that's my excuse. :bah: And for the record, you were right PT. Leah is..... 'lil, upon closer inspection. ;)

Meh, time for me to pass out again. Night Y'all, will try get some pics up in next few days. :wave:
Thanks Thomas, you made me laugh and I haven't done that enough lately, it really made me feel better!! :)
Keep those crazy pics coming!