Own Pictures Thread

Excuse·All·The·Blood said:

don't vomit, please +.+'

Cla... xkè nn mi hai detto ke postavi 1 tua fotina? T'ho scoperta da sola... *_* comunque sei una tessssora!!
Xò, forse x il fatto ke hai passato un xiodo nero, mi sembri un pò triste.... spero sia solo una mia impressione...
Comunque ha ragione Kevin, in quel che ha detto sopra.... ;) guarda che sei carina, sai? E, se hai capito un po come sono, sai che sono sincera.
Ricorda: spero di vedere presto una fotina, ma con il sorriso negli occhi.... quel sorriso che di solito viene quando i problemi sono definitamente alle spalle e si guarda al futuro con serenità...
Un bacio, bella.... :*
Nikotiini said:
AwwwZ thanks SoooOO much! However, you and rocksane are much more beautiful! :)

@ Igraine: you are also very pretty! I wouldn't mess with a girl who had on a choker like that one lol!
thats not true ... cuz you and roxane are the bomb !!
KillerGon said:
why are you wearing a pitbull necklace?? o_O
Oh cm'on, it's not a pitbull necklace, and it's very useful for self defence! I'm pretty sure that all the girls will agree with me!:D
Plus I'm so used to wear it that I can't go to a concert anymore without wearing it!:lol:
Igraine said:
Oh cm'on, it's not a pitbull necklace, and it's very useful for self defence! I'm pretty sure that all the girls will agree with me!:D
Plus I'm so used to wear it that I can't go to a concert anymore without wearing it!:lol:
not really....a kick to the ballz is better self defense...and a cheap shot :p