Own Pictures Thread

Dude nuke the western-asian area for their oil. Nuke USA, and CHINA to rid of the economical competition. China are gonna take over the world and you all know it!!

yeah but dont nuke the canadians lol

where safe for now but if USA dies, we in a big pile of shit lol

war is stupid if u ask me
theres enough people dying whit mother nature... why kill some more
the moron trying to look evil is here again


Edit: :lol:
Search "bush is antichrist" on google. People are bent on proving his somewhat satanic biblical referrences. I laughed for weeks at those sites. How could someone be so pathetic? Bush ain't cool enough to be antichrist...

whatch the illumaniti DVD theres some interesting stuff on there but its all consparacys so u cant no for sure if its true
hah, never seen that before...i guess i dont put attention to that kinda stuff.
i'll change it laters then

oh btw mrfast, what happened to pur cs:s match???