Ozzfest review - Mt. View, CA


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Well, I'm fresh back from Ozzfest and I thought I'd drop a few words here about it. First off, thanks a million for the ticket, Kittybeast! The frank truth is that, while I'm not rich, I can afford to go to all the shows I want. But when I put some mild rant up here in Old School about not doing Ozzfest this year Kittybeast stepped up to the plate and said, "yeah, but would you go for free...." which I most definately would, and did. Thanks, I owe you one.

Anyhoo, the only bands I was really interested in were Sabbath and Maiden, so I didn't even show up until about 6:30. I got there in time to see Mudvayne, but this was nothing to feel lucky about. No big deal. New metal grunts and blast beats.

Maiden came out and did a real great set. I was on the lawn, but brought binoculars and so could see everything just fine. As most of you know they are just doing stuff off the first four albums this tour. The mix was great, and and the energy level was huge, as is always the case with Maiden. Revelations was probably the highlight for me, maybe Phantom of the Opera. Worth noting, I think, was that Bruce's voice was in fantastic form, and he even sang the high....HIGH parts on the chorus to Run To The Hills, which he doesn't always do - even on Beast over Hammersmith, which was recorded back in the day when such things were, more or less, easy for him. He just sounded awesome all night. He did his corporate America rants, and in the middle of one someone in the front of the crowd threw fake dollars up into the air, quite a few. I think, seriously, that this was a plant by (probably) Sharron Osbourne as Bruce has been doing this rant a lot on this tour, and I'm thinking she's taken offense at it. Bruce seemed completely surprised by the whole thing, and told the person that they should take a hike since he knew they didn't pay for the good ticket they had. i.e. Sharron had taken a front row seat just to plant this guy to piss off Bruce. This is all imagination on my part, but I have a feeling I'm not too far off and we'll read about it in some blurb or another on Blabbermouth eventually. We'll see. Bruce also seemed a bit dissapointed in the crowd, at first at least. They were a bit quiet, but they really REALLY worked the crowd until they got the response they wanted, which made for a good old fashioned showbiz moment in my eyes. The old warhorses using their whole bag of tricks to wake up a bunch of sleepers (though really the crowd was alright - and increasingly louder as the set went on). At the beginning of Run To The Hills Bruce shouted, "If this one doesn't get you going then you are clinically fucking dead!!!" But thankfully the response was great. When the huge walking Eddie made his appearance it was in the style of Piece of Mind, for those of you who keep tabs on such things. A great set.

Now, here's the thing, after reading so much negative press about cancellations and whatnot, I actually almost left before Sabbath. Now, that's a big deal for me since they are, easily, one of my top three bands. I'm a Sabbath freak, really - and especially for the Ozzy period. I've worn all those damned records out in several formats. I figured though, that since this is now supposed to be the last Ozzfest that Ozzy headlines, it might be the last real go around for Sabbath (not counting the possible U.S. tour after Ozzfest). I decided I'd hang for a few songs , and leave if it was bad knowing the last full show I'd seen (a few years ago) would be my more lasting memory. Man am I glad I stayed. Sabbath were fucking awesome! Really. It's all hype, this bad talk going around. Ozzy amazed me with his energy, and though his voice did crack a couple of times, he was mostly dead on. The mix was perfect, and I somehow managed to work my way up to the front of the lawn section.....There were some very cool surprises in the setlist, most notably Electric Funeral and After Forever, which kinda put the crowd to sleep incidentally. They like the big "hits" they know, I find, the crowd at Ozzfest that is. Faeries Wear Boots was also awesome, and is not aaaalways played, and so was very cool. OH, and Dirty Women, in which Tony Iommi took a good, oh I'd say, 5 minute solo. He was spot on all night. The real kicker for me though was, again despite the hype, Ozzy's performance of Black Sabbath. He was so fucking dramatic in a good way, and clawed the shyte out of his own body at the "Oh god please help me," parts....so much so that when he took off his shirt later in the song you could see these welts he'd put into himself. Also, I noticed him saying a kind of private prayer at one point, silently but moving his lips, then he crossed himself, and it was just so fucking weird and eerie, just the way Sabbath is supposed to be. Oh, and before I wrap this up let me say that Bill Ward, of whom I've also read bad reviews, was just awesome. I don't know what reviewers have against him. He's a great fucking drummer (and he's grown his hair back, just saying...) The whole band was great. Despite the Osbournes and everything else, Black Sabbath is still the biggest, baddest, scariest metal band around. I was so impressed I bought a kick ass (and expensive) Sabbath shirt on the way out to commemorate the occasion. There were other cool things (like a medley that included some of Symptom of the Universe and some other gems) but I'll spare you the rest.

All in all a good (great really) night of metal, the Ozzfest crowd being probably the only downer. A lot of good people in some sense, but a lot of shaven head tough guys in wife beaters too, so, you know, where the hell do those people come from? I mean this with the utmost of humor, but it always seems to me when I do go to Ozzfest that there must be a lot of empty trailer parks in the area for the evening. Sorry, that was cold. Ahem. It's just the strangest mix that shows up is all. There's always fights, people puking, and people moshing who don't appear to give a good goddamn what bands might or might not be playing. Just, "Ozzfest man...AAAAARGH!" and you know, a day to raise hell. Ah well, to each his own.

Oh, a last bit on that. There's always a lot of talk by Sharron (and I'm not a Sharron hater mind ya) about the "festival" atmosphere of it all, but all I ever see are a few crappy vendors and a couple of pop the balloon games where you can win a cheezy Ozzy For President shirt or something. All that stated, they really should work a little harder on the band list. This year could have been, you know, Scorpions, Sabbath, Maiden, Priest....that kind of thing, they'd have sold just as many tickets.

Don't get me wrong though. Seeing Maiden and Sabbath (two of my favorite bands) put out two GREAT sets, I'm glad as hell I went.

Again, thanks Kittybeast! Up the irons! (and also up the, uh, Sabbaths?)
oh, and sorry about the length of this....ha.
Glad ya had a good time! I tried to get my mates together to organize a ozzfest road trip last year so that i could see Priest and sabbath...didn't happen. I tried to do the very same this year so I could See Maiden and Sabbath...once again, didn't happen. No one around here is into the music much, a bit frustrating. Anyway, it's great to hear Bruce is still got his voice, escpecially after the bad reviews i've read, however he seems to be ranting a teeny bit too much from what I hear. Sure a bunch of lousy audiences would make anyone mad but..I dunno. Seems like the show might be spoiled a bit by all the ranting.
Great review man!! Sounds like you had a killer time. I'd love to see Sabbath in the original line up. But they hardly tour here. Well, maybe next year...
awqesome review. i was gunna go to that show but had work so am going to the one near Sacramento..... i got me lawn seats too, so i hope i can see ok... i'm gunna try n work my way to the front of lawn, but i hope they use the big screen.
ElectricWiz said:
The real kicker for me though was, again despite the hype, Ozzy's performance of Black Sabbath. He was so fucking dramatic in a good way, and clawed the shyte out of his own body at the "Oh god please help me," parts....so much so that when he took off his shirt later in the song you could see these welts he'd put into himself. Also, I noticed him saying a kind of private prayer at one point, silently but moving his lips, then he crossed himself, and it was just so fucking weird and eerie, just the way Sabbath is supposed to be.
Heh that's pretty cool to read
Thorngren said:
awqesome review. i was gunna go to that show but had work so am going to the one near Sacramento..... i got me lawn seats too, so i hope i can see ok... i'm gunna try n work my way to the front of lawn, but i hope they use the big screen.

There should be big screens, as the ones at this show appeared to be part of the show rather than the venue. So, I'm thinking yes.
Great review! Damn... I am so wiped out! Kittybeast and I did the Denver headlining show Tusday... came back first thing Wednesday... bomb in LAX so we had to wait like 2hrs before we could get to her car and go back home... back to work Thursday and Friday... Friday after work race to San Jose.. (5 hrs) Sunday on the road back home from 9am... got back 7pm... get in my car and take off... and now I am back at work :ill:

was it worth it? FUCK YEAH! Maiden was on fire... and BS were amazing as well... although we had to sit through most of BS's set as we were so tired and well... it's just weird to see anybody else after Maiden...

Totally agree on not liking the Ozzfest crowd... even though most men were nice, funny and witty with their praises we got some a-holes who were looking at us like fresh meat... and it was disgusting to see women looking like hookers :yuk: I mean trampyyyyyyyyy.... jesus, scary looking! Of course we got to see many real fans... but the "other element" :ill:
Pabla said:
Totally agree on not liking the Ozzfest crowd... even though most men were nice, funny and witty with their praises we got some a-holes who were looking at us like fresh meat... and it was disgusting to see women looking like hookers :yuk: I mean trampyyyyyyyyy.... jesus, scary looking! Of course we got to see many real fans... but the "other element" :ill:

Oh yeah, definately some real fans there too. I thought I might have seen you two, but I'm thinking you must have had seats. Did you? Or were you on the lawn? Let me know. There were two girls who looked a little like you (and were really into Maiden, obviously so,) but they weren't wearing "Eddie Rules You," shirts which, I believe, Kittybeast said you'd have on. Incidentally, I saw more Maiden shirts than any other band in the crowd.

Also, one thing I didn't mention, all though the crowd was of questionable caliber in some spots, ahem, it was huge. I'm not sure if it was sold out, but it must have been close. I'm still deciding if that's a positive vote for the state of metal though, as so many wank bands end up on Ozzfest's bill every year. I'll just assume they were all there for Sabbath and Maiden so I can sleep better at night....

Wiz, glad you had a great time! We got inside about 1pm, thanks to Vince we got some second stage b.s. passes and so we caught Mastadon before going backstage. Took some pics of Killswitch and Zombie from side of the stage. Not many performers hung around outside most were in their motorhomes. I did get one guy from Mastadon to sign a picture I took of him in Denver.

MAIDEN was amazing...though I could do without the corporate ranting...I get his point but then like others have said..they are on the tour so corporate America can't be that bad for them. I am wiped out...so more coffee then I'll be posting some pictures! :rock:
ElectricWiz said:
We'll see. Bruce also seemed a bit dissapointed in the crowd, at first at least. They were a bit quiet, but they really REALLY worked the crowd until they got the response they wanted, which made for a good old fashioned showbiz moment in my eyes. The old warhorses using their whole bag of tricks to wake up a bunch of sleepers (though really the crowd was alright - and increasingly louder as the set went on). At the beginning of Run To The Hills Bruce shouted, "If this one doesn't get you going then you are clinically fucking dead!!!"

All in all a good (great really) night of metal, the Ozzfest crowd being probably the only downer.

I wonder if the average crowd of a mallcore feast like Ozzpest does understand the magic of bands like Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. I'm still don't see the point of a band like IM to play that festival (besides the money).

I knoe I'm too old and too square but I don't see IM belonging to that kind of event, I understand at WOA, HOA, BYH, KIT, Metal Mania, Bloodstock, Swedish Rock Festival or ProgPower.
Wyvern said:
I wonder if the average crowd of a mallcore feast like Ozzpest does understand the magic of bands like Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. I'm still don't see the point of a band like IM to play that festival (besides the money).

I knoe I'm too old and too square but I don't see IM belonging to that kind of event, I understand at WOA, HOA, BYH, KIT, Metal Mania, Bloodstock, Swedish Rock Festival or ProgPower.

I couldn't agree with you more. I honestly think that if it had just been a normal show, Sabbath and Maiden only, there would have been just as many people. They both would both have made more money (less bands to share with), so I don't really see the point of a festival like Ozzfest. Very strange really.

OH, and I guarentee you that if it had been just bands like Mudvayne, there would have been A LOT less people.
ElectricWiz said:
Anyhoo, the only bands I was really interested in were Sabbath and Maiden, so I didn't even show up until about 6:30. I got there in time to see Mudvayne, but this was nothing to feel lucky about. No big deal. New metal grunts and blast beats.

Thats cool, I am going to the one in San Bernadino and was planning on doing the exact same thing and its good to know that both band performed good