Ozzy - Scream

I haven't heard the album entirely yet but from what I did hear... what is the point of getting a new guitarist if he is only going to play what someone else is writing and have no input? Gus is a great talent and while I do not expect or want Ozzy to sound like Firewind, I feel that if he was involved in the writing there would be a certain type of freshness and new flare to the band that would have people drooling and wanting more. Gus gets to have a few of his moments when you can tell its him on guitar but I hope for the next go round they give him some time to bring new life to the band.
Finally listened to the disc, and now I have no clue what some of you are talking about. Probably the best Ozzy album of at least the last decade. I found it a lot more fresh than the past two. I found some of the songs he branched out on and did something new...not that he's reinventing the wheel but yeah, I liked it.
Finally listened to the disc, and now I have no clue what some of you are talking about. Probably the best Ozzy album of at least the last decade. I found it a lot more fresh than the past two. I found some of the songs he branched out on and did something new...not that he's reinventing the wheel but yeah, I liked it.

Yep, That's what I said MUCH earlier in this thread:Smokin:
I stilll think its a turd shat out by Ozzy to prolong his touring career by a few years, and yes, I did say that Bruce doesn't have the same quality to his voice. His mid range is still good, but the highs are gone and the timbre of his voice has changed, which is noticeable to the point that I can't listen to it with a fondness thatt I have for the older stuff. Ozzy"s voice is like Velveeta cheese, extremely processed to duplicate the flavor of the old Ozzy
I've listened to the new Ozzy album off and on all day between my appointments. With that said, I've found it very enjoyable. Is it Bark At The Moon? No, but I didn't really expect it to be. The one thing that is surprising is a few of the "doomy" riffs that Gus G. has cranked out! Soul Sucker, regardless of the stupid song title, is a fantastic song with a very heavy, doomy feel to it. Overall, I'm happy with it and still remain a very loyal Ozzy supporter. GO CRAZY!:loco:
