paddys day friday big metal drinking session going down

metal paddy

call me paddy the mod
Sep 26, 2005
nothing much to say but its paddy day friday and just for once i think i will have a 24 hour heavy metal drinking session :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin:
metal paddy said:
nothing much to say but its paddy day friday and just for once i think i will have a 24 hour heavy metal drinking session :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin:

I'm on fucking nights, otherwise I'd join you mate.

I hate work. If only the mortgage paid itself, and the beer was free...
metal paddy said:
nothing much to say but its paddy day friday and just for once i think i will have a 24 hour heavy metal drinking session :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin: :kickass: :Smokin:
guess what paddy had good friday heavy metal drink up started 09.00 am still drinking at the moment and the time is o4 .45 am