Yeah the Pagans guys usually hang out and hang with the fans anyway...because they are COOL!!!!:headbang:
Thanks Frode, I will be making it to at least the show in LA!!! I cant wait!!!!:worship:
I'd go to this just for Pagan's Mind... Maybe Strato will have a rejuvenated spirit with the new guitarist...
Well, you can check the album opener "Deep Unknown" and video on Youtube. I tried to copy the link here, but it posts the actual video and I don't know how to prevent that. Just go to Youtube and type in Stravovarius Deep Unknown. Standard band playing video, but I really love the song.
Milton tells me the Pagan's Mind logo now is on a big board at Times Square. Does anyone know a 24/7 webcam from Times Square where this can be seen??

I don't know if it was on the Big Board in front of Nokia but I do know that the logo is on their screens that show upcoming shows inside the venue. I had mentioned this to Milton, so perhaps we're just playing a losing game of Telephone here.
I am pretty sure I saw that on the bigger screen outside as I walked out of the venue.

This show is going to be awesome. I'm excited to see Pagan's Mind playing a venue like the Nokia. They will for sure win the crowd over and make a lot of new fans.

I can't friggin' wait!!!! :headbang::headbang:
Thanks for the info Frode!!! I am too excited to maybe have the chance to see them up to at least 3 times this year!! Woohoo!! I will be there with my camera Frode! : )
Please play ATL!

I thought we were playing ProgPower, even with a longer set than we get we Stratovarius ?!?!?!?

Or does anyone want a 2 hour PM set a few days after ProgPower, then get in touch, because we sure as hell need the money... :lol:
sounds like a plan to me!

Just cant do NYC... a co-worker is getting married the week of PP, it's enough of a pain being gone that week... let alone any time the week after.

anything else is fair game bro!

Shame on you!! I really hope you can work it out and come down to the NYC show... Seeing Pagan's Mind at the friggin' Nokia Theater will be a treat not to be forgotten! :headbang: