Pagan's Mind


Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
When's their next album due out? Is there a legit chance they could be on the bill for PPUSA VIII? I hope so! Hail! Favorite albums and songs?
I think anyone that listens to their cover of King Diamonds "At The Graves" they will change their mind about how good this band is. Its found on the reissue of their first album and it is almost note for note dead on, same with the vocals which are up there with King. Its prog/horror metal. One of my all time favorite covers and its not that easy to cover King Diamond and satisfy those listeners like myself of his work.
wayland smithers said:
I think anyone that listens to their cover of King Diamonds "At The Graves" they will change their mind about how good this band is. Its found on the reissue of their first album and it is almost note for note dead on, same with the vocals which are up there with King. Its prog/horror metal. One of my all time favorite covers and its not that easy to cover King Diamond and satisfy those listeners like myself of his work.
Damn right! Killer cover tune!:kickass:
You know I'd be in this thread :)

Since they havent returned to PPUSA, I had to fly to PPUK to see them. Damn glad I did too, also got to see 3 other UK shows they did.

Im looking forward to hanging with Jorn Viggo and downing some beers this year. Dont be surprised if a few of his bandmates show up to hang out as well! ;)

Other than the preshow thats what Im looking forward to the most. I love these guys both as bands, and as friends.
originally Pagan's Mind was one of the bands I had no clue about for ProgPower IV and one of several reasons I opted out that year. Time and Money restraints didn't help matters either. Nevertheless, this past year I have discovered these guys (with kudos to Beyond Ear Candy!) at long last and I am now kicking myself in the ass for having missed them. I can't believe I chose not to go to a ProgPower because I didn't know a majority of the bands on the roster. That will never happen again! :Smug:

enigmatic: calling is a favorite album of mine now. And I'd say Pagan's Mind is easing their way into my top ten cd rotation. I can't wait for their next effort if the last release is any indication of their improvement with sound and production with each album. I was pulling for them to be in a #4 spot this year, so bring them back next year Glenn! Please! I'll be good - I promise. :saint:

Pagan's Mind kicks my ProgPower ass!!! :kickass:
they were one of my favorite performances at the progpower in which they appeared.

I can't say how many times I go to metalfests only knowing a portion of the lineup and I don't have any doubts about my decision as I always know I will walk away impressed by many of the bands I had never heard of prior to the fest. It is so hard to get some of my friends out to tours coming into Phoenix for this same reason. It always baffles me how tough it is to convince people.

I can't wait for the next pagan's mind cd
I hope too the band will play again next year at PP, they were great at PP4
wayland smithers said:
I think anyone that listens to their cover of King Diamonds "At The Graves" they will change their mind about how good this band is.
How well a band performs a cover will never impact my opinion of them. The way I feel about a band is completely about how well they write and how well they perform what they write in a live setting. Everything else is of little concern.

That said, I loved "Celestial Entrance". However, the new one showed regression, not progression. And while they're a good band, whom I wouldn't mind seeing again, I wouldn't campaign to have them back. IMO, there are bands far more deserving of a return:

Vanden Plas
Zero Hour

General Zod said:
How well a band performs a cover will never impact my opinion of them. The way I feel about a band is completely about how well they write and how well they perform what they write in a live setting. Everything else is of little concern.

That said, I loved "Celestial Entrance". However, the new one showed regression, not progression. And while they're a good band, whom I wouldn't mind seeing again, I wouldn't campaign to have them back. IMO, there are bands far more deserving of a return:

Vanden Plas
Zero Hour


I agree that both Redemption and Zero Hour need to come back as well.