Paging Ms. A and other Symth forumites

Thanks Ms A ... You totoally kick ass :D

Da Fukn Guru
darn - i had that one :| well at least i know now where i got it :| damn shitty thing - we had such bad troubles gettin my computer "healthy" again :| it was a 6 hour process :| although my computer is havin numerous antivirus programms and fire walls :|

but ... thanx mrs a ... for putting it down :| *faints*
It amazes me how some of these little geeks get their jollies wrecking other people's computers. If you are reading this, do the world a favor and just end it now, you'll probably never get laid anyway.
Tiff said:
It amazes me how some of these little geeks get their jollies wrecking other people's computers. If you are reading this, do the world a favor and just end it now, you'll probably never get laid anyway.

quoted for truth