Pain of Salvation - What Album do I need?

Don't want to disappoint, Paul! :heh:

Speaking as a hater, AND as someone who still owns One Hour By The Concrete Lake, I'd say their first 2 are the only ones worth owning.

Yeah, typical response, I was really hoping to read a "You just don't get "it""....sorry, long standing joke around here.... I actually do know good progressive metal, and PoS just doesn't cut it for me. Sorry, but blanket statements like that just irritate the crap out of offense......
Like what you like, and I'll enjoy what I's all good.....

As much as I love PoS, I can see why people would hate them. The vocal melodies could drive somebody crazy if you don't dig it.

And I agree with others on Element. But Entropia might be my favorite, and I'm still trying to pick through One Hour...
I don't get why Scarsick is so disliked... Well, I do... I just disagree...
I find it to be one of their best albums and by far the one I listen to the most (maybe because it's the most recent).
I don't get why Scarsick is so disliked... Well, I do... I just disagree...
I find it to be one of their best albums and by far the one I listen to the most (maybe because it's the most recent).

Surprisingly, there's been no Scarsick bashing at all in this thread, and some people have even recommended it! I gave it a spin the other day and it was much better than I remembered... and I used to love it too. :kickass:

+1...kinda...if you don't have don't have PoS...but l will go one up and say that The Perfect Element, Pt1 is excellent as well. They haven't done anything significant since Element.

Sure, nothing after TPE touches it or comes close (Except 12:5 which is THE BEST live recording ever) but everything they've released is quality.
In order of personal preference:

Remedy Lane

I'd say the most accessible album is Remedy Lane, most people's favorite is TPE. The first two albums have a similar sound and feel that is distinct from their later works, so don't be put off if you don't like one album, you may like another. Reading the lyrics with these guys is mandatory no matter what album you start with.

Agree 100% with this. If you really want to grasp where PoS came from and hear one of the best metal debut albums (up there with Appetite, IMHO), you have to get Entropia. If you go in order from there on, as this list suggests, you can't go wrong.

Keep in mind, PoS is an acquired taste. Multiple listens are usually required to "get it." Especially with TPE. But it seems most people either love 'em or hate 'em. With some of the songs on Scarsick it makes it a little easier to dislike them. I will always be a fan.
Hmm, I'm not bawling at the end of it, but I'll agree that TPE is the best place to start. Here's my pantheon of their CDs:

1. The Perfect Element
2. One Hour By the Concrete Lake
3. Entropia
4. Remedy Lane

Me either... it does give me the creeps sometimes though. :) I would agree with TPE, but then my list would be the opposite of yours after that:

Remedy Lane
One Hour

I actually like Scarsick alright, but do not like BE at all. And Jaime is right, 12:5 is awesome. It is a live album of acoustic re-workings of songs.

Either way, dude, be sure to check back and let us know what you tried and how it "worked." :) For all the "haters," there are a lot of us who love this band, too.

i think remedy lane is the easiest to latch onto, but man everyone has mixed views on pain of salvation. id take the most recommended three and spin them. which ever one stands out listen to it a bunch then enjoyment of all the other cds will fall into place.

me personally i like Remedy lane and Be the best, maybe with entropia coming in third. i like perfect element the least, but most people like it the best!
All the haters? Come person has said something, that's it! :lol: You POS fans just need to enjoy your music and quit worrying about what other people are thinking.

I honestly couldn't care less what others think about who/what I like. But that is neither here nor there... :p Note that I did not say "all the "haters" who have posted on this thread." I was responding to comments made elsewhere (hence my using the word "haters" which I do not use) indicating there are a lot of folks on this board who really dislike PoS. I just don't want the dude scared off into thinking if he starts another thread about them, he might start a flame war or some shit.

That is all. Carry on.
