Pain of Salvation


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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Anyone else feel that PoS have gone steadily downhill with each release? I would give Entropia a 10, Concrete Lake a 9.5, and Perfect Element a 7.5. I always go back to the first two when I want to listen to PoS. Anyone else feel the same (or different)? I hope the new one is a little more aggresive like the old stuff.
entropia was wonderful, one hour by the concrete lake was mediocre, the perfect element was wonderful, and remedy lane MIGHT be mediocre. it's like they alternate.
Maybe a need to listen to Perfect Element a few more times, but to me it comes of a being very weak, formulatic, and uninspired. Perhaps I was expecting to much, Entropia blew me away with emotion and powerful musicianship. The musicianship on TPE is nowhere near the standards set on the first two cds. I was very disappointed on my first listen, and I gave it a couple more chances, but it just doesn't grab me or hold my attention like the other 2.

Just one man's opinion.
I would rate their discs as follows:

1) TPE
2) Entropia

I also would welcome more aggressive playing.

Enjoy the moment......