Pain Of Salvation!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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All I can say is "INCREDIBLE". I was really shocked that hundreds of people decided to leave after Blind Guardian. Even if you don't particularly like the band, give them some respect and at least stay for their performance. I mean, that is what you are there for, and they were closing the show that night. I understand that most people were there for BG, and it was difficult to have a prog band like PoS follow BG, but I think they did one hell of a job!

They were the most impressive band at that festival as far as pulling off their music live. It can't be easy to sing "Used" live, but they sang it to perfection. I just wish everyone would have given them a chance. More room for me up front, but that isn't the point. For those that were there, we enjoyed every minute of this amazing bands set (at least I did!)
In my mind, PoS was the best band of the festival. Of course, I am much more of a prog fan than power metal.

The only problem that I had during PoS's set was that I was (1) way too tired, and (2) freezing my ass off! I wish they would have been able to play in the 4th slot instead of Blind Guardian.

After this show, I think PoS is becoming my favorite band!!!
Pain of Salvation kicked ass..and its a shame that many left early. Hell, leave early AFTER you hear a song or two and decide its not for me.

Whatever, they rocked..I hope they come around these parts again.
I agree! I *quite* enojyed PoS. I understand for a lot of people that's not their thing, but I think they suffered from having the last slot, and from following Blind Guardian. Oh, well--nothing they can do about that, and they still put on a fine show, though I would rather have heard a few more songs. Maybe I'll gave to return to Sweden one day. :)

... and it was awfully cold in there by then. Sorry for the weather, but just be glad you guys weren't still here last night! :)

Pain Of Salvation was awesome. They played so well, I thought I was listening to the Cd. And these guys were very cool too. Daniel did a nice little stand up bit in between songs too. Definetly cemented themselves into a top spot in my music catalog.
I think Pain of Salvation completely blew Blind Guardian away.

I have never been so attracted to a man (Daniel):

My friend took this pic, pos rules :)

I was amazed Daniel could recreate the vocal range and subtelties onstage.
I agree...they were easily the best band of the the first night for me and probably the entire festival (followed closely by Devin Townsend).

The band was so tight live, and Daniel was extremely funny. Their stage presence was amazing, and the selection and presentation of songs was perfect. I was also disappointed to see that so many people left, but like nightwish58 said that left more room for me up front.

I wish the line for autographs the next night would have been shorter. I was so tired that I didn't wait around to see them and also that Daniel had to go back to London earlier that day to play with The Flower Kings.
Originally posted by nightwish58
I agree Snote!!!!
Crea Force (Silent, but oh so deadly!!!)

BTW, where's your foot?

Memories that will last a lifetime. I think my shoe is still stuck in the chair. BTW, I got my pics developed..most came out great, I'll have to show you Friday at Angra.

Okay I can't take it anymore... what is "SNOTE" ?!?!?!?!
Did I miss something at the festival??
Is it an inside joke on this forum?
What gives? *curiosty kills*

PoS was unbelievable! I really can't seem to express how much I liked them! I wish I wasn't so tired and that may feet didn't hurt so I could enjoy them even more! Eventually my friend and I just had to sit down for the last few songs, I couldn't take it anymore. I really think that PoS should have switched spots with Edguy since (unfortunately for PoS) Edguy is a bigger draw and can hold the crowd after BG. I wish people did stay for PoS though, at least a couple of songs... eh.. their loss.

"Snote" is an inside joke. Here is a quick version of what happened. One of my friends had the Gamma Ray box and tried to get it signed by all the members. So he comes back with the box after Henjo signed it, and above his name, my friends and I see the word "Snote". We started going crazy telling this guy that he got the box signed by the wrong guy. From that point on, we kept joking on him, telling him that he had his box set signed by "Snote". Unfortunately, the guy was never able to ask Henjo what that meant. If you are not laughing it is because you had to be there! If was truly a funny thing when it happened. My friends and I can get a kick out of anything.

I am not a big fan of PoS, but I must admit that they are an amazing live band. I would put them up there with Dream Theater in terms of professionalism (DT has better music IMO though). They were the only band that I watched from the seats (I was standing center front row both nights!) and at times it almost seemed like they were playing a CD.
I do not think that they blew Blind Guardian away, because BG played their music to perfection as well. Edguy blew BG away in terms of energy and enthusiasm, but BG is BG and that is why they will always rule!
Originally posted by High Speed Kurt
POS wouldve came back with beyond the pale if BG hadnt ran over....

Ah, no, no, no!!!!! Don't tell me that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* I would have LOVED to hear BTP. I had to play that the next day for a friend, after telling her I didn't like it much at first and it became one of my favorites. She said it was the best PoS song she'd heard yet and I've bored her with plenty trying to get her into them. Damn. :(
