I saw the article about it in some crappy leftist magazine, and I think it was a german "artist" who had done it, but it was so jaw droppingly stupid I just threw the paper away. Doing something like that is not art and calling it art is to spit in the face of millennia of art history.
I think most of the modern stuff, the things that are there to shock you and MAKE YOU THINK, should be seen as a display of political standpoints, not art, because that's usually the agenda behind them; to challenge norms and be provocative! -- yay, let's change the world through our crappy installations! We shall turn everyone into cuddly socialistic pacifists with these subliminal hunks of metal that represent the evil in man! Zzz...
When people see that their tax money is spent to pay "artists" to create "art" that none but the artists and perhaps some politician wants, they don't get their "preconceived norms" challenged: they get pissed off. And hopefully also tear said junk down.
It does not make one an artist to cover a town hall in cloth, or put a huge condom over an obelisk, or put a shit load of arcs in Central park, it makes you an landscape architect.. at most. Arhg, I could go on for ever about this...