Pajama Pants

I sleep in underpants and t-shirts.

I don't know about wearing pajama pants to work though.. Half of the staff in Ljubljana's clinical center is wearing crocs and I don't believe it could get more ridiculous than that..maybe in a year or so pajama pans will be in.

But, really, would anyone take a doctor seriously, if he wears crocs? :err:

I think no one is wearing those to work, just for lounging inside of the house.
I don't think you'd catch me dead leaving the house with my pijama pants (like some "kids" I see in school do sometimes or some lame-Os I see at the grocery store...but hey)

Regarding crocks: I think they are the ugliest shoes ever invented to mankind. Seriously, I would rather wear Louis the XIV type shoes with that rediculous red heel rather than crocks....

BUT......... when I still managed the pet shot, and was on my feet ALL DAY, I discovered the amazing qualities crocks have despite their ugliness...
----they are as ugly as they are comfortable... It's really amazing.
I see nurses and doctors here as well all in crocks, and to be hinest Vera... with the amount of time a day those people need to stand on their feet: I say go for it.

^ yeah..... I had to buy a pair of black ones after my feet almost died from standing/ running around all day.

Now that I persue a career in design (at least starting) I sit on my bum-bum all day and my crocks have no use other than go to the dog park with da pooch :)
this pajama pants endeavor