
Jul 5, 2008
hey guys, i couldnt find any info on this. do you know where i can buy any panthymonium CDs? ive been looking "everywhere".
Looked around for you and found one of them on amazon. It's 50$ though. :\

The Omega has had PTM as "pending arrival" for forever. I doubt they are going to get any anytime soon.

Relapse Records has one PTM (K&K) album in stock for $6 (you must browse for it, since their search is useless).
I know of another store with the Dream and Khaoos 2-for-1 album in addition to K&K, but I want to get my order in before I reveal it.
I have all five of the pan.thy.monium releases and I bought all but the reissue off of eBay. Took me quite a while to get Dawn Of Dreams and Dream II, but they ARE floating around. Just keep checking! Or do what I did, set up a search notification that emails you when one goes on sale.