
~BURNY~ said:
During my engineering course years, there was plenty of guys who were actually hearing a difference when splitting/panning a track... And they were totally honest.:loco: :tickled:
Oh well

Hey its louder so it must be better:Smug:
chadsxe said:
Hey its louder so it must be better:Smug:
yeah, with both copies panned center the signal will be about 3db louder. with both panned, hard left and hard right respectively, it's exactly the same volume as just the original panned center.

so, those guys may have been totally honest, but they were also totally something else that's best left unsaid. :Smug:
James Murphy said:
you've been on this forum for a while now haven't you?.... i'd have thought you'd know better than to just copy tracks and think it's actually doing anything for you at all :err:. yeah, as Ken (abigailwilliams) says... play it again. a copy of a track will simply have the effect of making the original track sound a bit louder. panning the copy will have the effect of making the original sound seem to be panned. so, the similar results could be had by simply raising the volume of your original track and panning it in a bit.

sometimes people will try this trick and offset the copy by a few miliseconds... this sounds like ass. just play it again, there are no shortcuts. this has all been covered extensively in past threads.

Even though it says under my avatar that I've been a member since Sept '01, I've only been on this board for about a month or so....I also didn't spend as much time here when I started as I do now. I've collected that it is "better" to redo them to have separate tracks, but didn't really have anyone say point blank: "that doesn't work" as far as copying the track goes.
James Murphy said:
yeah, as burny says... making a copy and panning original to one side and copy to the other just gives you a mono, dead center panned version of the track. useless.

... and around you here you also start messing around with the phase of everything. Make a copy of your guitar track, pan it on the same place as the original and drop a pluggin in one of the "to make them sound a bit different"... TA DA! you have succesfully introduce phase cnacellation due to the pluggin latency.

James said it, you are listening in mono.

chadsxe said:
Hey its louder so it must be better

erm... maybe not. The more guitar tracks, the more phase problems.

There's a number of metal albums with tons of guitar tracks that sound a lot weaker that albums which has only on guitar per channel... it has of course to do with the perfomer, instruments, quality of equipment etc. but phase plays a big role in this game.

I get the impresion (I might be wrong) that quite a few people here don't know what "that MONO button thing" is there for...
Gomez said:
Originally Posted by chadsxe
Hey its louder so it must be better

erm... maybe not. The more guitar tracks, the more phase problems.

There's a number of metal albums with tons of guitar tracks that sound a lot weaker that albums which has only on guitar per channel... it has of course to do with the perfomer, instruments, quality of equipment etc. but phase plays a big role in this game.

I get the impresion (I might be wrong) that quite a few people here don't know what "that MONO button thing" is there for...
chadsxe was being sarcastic.
Kazrog said:
I've gotten copies of GarageBand sessions from semi-n00b friends who copy/paste each guitar track FOUR times and stuff... AND the guitar tracks are in STEREO from a POD even though no stereo FX are used... so it's 8 total identical tracks... it's like some kind of infectious disease... make it stop!!! :goggly:

Hehehe! That is funny. =)