Pantera "Cowboys from Hell: 20th Anniversary Edition" due September 14th

May not be pop to you but to me HellYEah is radio pop music. Damageplan was like Pantera off of the steroids too. But Hellyeah is just a radio friendly, jock pretty boy band for hipsters and trendsuckers. It's a band just to get girls wet, and college jocks pumped. Pantera has long been in the grave, and their legacy is in stone. I haven't really liked Phil's bands either. I thought Superjoint Ritual was crap, I don't really like DOWN, and some of his black metal projects were a joke. The stars are just not aligned anymore.
May not be pop to you but to me HellYEah is radio pop music. Damageplan was like Pantera off of the steroids too. But Hellyeah is just a radio friendly, jock pretty boy band for hipsters and trendsuckers. It's a band just to get girls wet, and college jocks pumped. Pantera has long been in the grave, and their legacy is in stone. I haven't really liked Phil's bands either. I thought Superjoint Ritual was crap, I don't really like DOWN, and some of his black metal projects were a joke. The stars are just not aligned anymore.

Why is this a bad thing?
Downs first two records are great, Superjoint are immense if you know what they're getting at, Phil's other projects like Arson Anthem and Christ Inversion are actually really good too. So really, it seems to me that if the former members of Panter aren't actually playing in Pantera then it's no good for you. I'll admit that nothing they do from now on will match the success they had with that band but seriously, saying Superjoint is shit is just wrong.

I still think Hellyeah are wank though.
Yeah I gave Phil's bands a chance, I even saw Superjoint live at OZZFEST but they just don't appeal to me musically. I am very picky before I can accept a band and say I like them.
Superjoint Ritual only have two albums - Use Once and Destroy (2002) and A Lethal Dose of American Hatred (2003).

It's a bizzare mix of doom, blackmetal, grind, death metal, groove and crossover thrash - you have to kind of appreciate all of those to a certain degree to really 'get' SJR. Which makes little sense to me personally since I gotinto them around the time their second album came out ahahaha