Pantera "Cowboys from Hell: 20th Anniversary Edition" due September 14th

Probably - if they do 20th anniversary reissues of each record then I'll still be rocking the fuck out to Reinventing the Steel when I'm 30... if I'm not already dead by then anyway. Which is highly unlikely.
Does it matter though? No one can replace Dime, so in my opinion, reforming wouldn't really do much good.... Not that them talkingg would lead to reforming, but still.
They don't have to reform, just pointless to hate on Phil over Dime's death. Phil was on heavy drugs at the time anyway. After all they accomplished together, it makes Vinnie look like a hating prick.
Just like yo momma

Makes me crack every time :lol:

Does it matter though? No one can replace Dime, so in my opinion, reforming wouldn't really do much good.... Not that them talkingg would lead to reforming, but still.

DID YOU JUST SAY REFORMING ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? :yow::yow::yow::yow::yow::yow:

Count to 10... count to 10...


Agree with Dave, Vinnie needs to let it go.
I agree, its like Tony Iommi not getting along with Bill Ward, it simply cannot be!

Oh, and sorry I got your hopes up. :lol:
If Pantera came back, I'd boycott it. You can't have Pantera without Dime, that's a fact, and anyone who says that Zakk Wylde could play guitar in his place is fucking kidding themselves and should be kicked in the face. Multiple times.
Also agree... The fact that they were good friends doesn't make up for anything. I don't think he would even fit in a side project with those guys (Rex, Phil and Vinnie).

Although, a project between those 3 guys with a real good, thrashy guitarist may not be that bad.