Paradise lost.. help :-P


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
I just started checkin out Paradise Lost... I know Im a bit late.. but whatever.. what album would everyone recommend? Draconian Times seems to be the general concensus.. but opinions are welcome:)
If you would like to hear more doomy side of PL check out debut, Gothic and Shades Of God. The albums from Icon to the present are more or less in the metal-rock style. Hmm, Icon is similar to Draconian Times so they are both good PL CD's to start with.
I´d recommend Icon and Draconian Times. Start with these albums and if you like them, you can go on and check out the older and the newer ones.
draconian times is their best ever, in my opinion. i think every pl album is good [starting from gothic], but draconian is unbelievable!
Icon and Draconian Times. Then get Gothic and Shades of God.

- If you're adventurous and enjoy electronic music check out Host.
- If you like Sisters of Mercy and other goth rock bands check out One Second.
- If you want something particularly ugly sounding, where each track could be defined by the S.O.D. songtitle "The song that don't go fast" then try Lost Paradise.
- If you like something catchy and riff-orientated try Believe In Nothing.
- If you want a "We're desperately trying to back-pedal and regain some of our metal cred" album try Symbol of Life (It's okay, but not very inspired or charismatic).
Paradise Lost are a fantastic band! In fact, I saw them in concert last night in New York City with Opeth!! An amazing show, for certains!

Anyway, in my view, the single best PLost CD is "One Second", followed closely by "Icon".

"Draconian Times" is just a shade behind "Icon".

"One Second" was somewhat of a departure - but not as grand as some would lead you to believe. The song structures are basically that same as that of those found on "Icon" & "D Times". There's just more electronics & keys. But the music is simply dark as hell!!

Get them in this order:
"One Second"
"Draconian Times"
"Symbol of Life"
"Believe in Nothing"

"Shades of God", "Gothic" & "Lost Paradise" are all quite dull, IMO. Of course, each does have one or two cool tracks, but each cd is mostly forgettable.
I have been into Paradise lost since Draconian Times was released, it was one of my most played discs, the gothic mood and piano are definitely welcome additions on this album, I have all their albums except the latest and the first (even the singles box)

But I definitely recommend Draconian times and One Second

Icon is a bit dull at times and the newer stuff lacks energy and feels uninspired.
Gothic is the best of them - with Draconian a close second, and Shades of God a hair's breadth after that. They are all good though - especially the newest one, symbol of life - it's excellent. Believe in nothing or one second would be the weakest IMO. I also love lost paradise and it's antithises- host... its impossibile to believe these cd's are from the same band... but both are cool.
"Gothic" was a groundbreaking album and probably the reason why we have so many Gothic female-singer bands now. If you want to get the best of Paradise Lost, get album 2 up until 5, so that's:

- Gothic (classic tracks: "Gothic", "The Painless", "Eternal")
- Shades Of God (classic tracks "Pity The Sadness", "As I Die", "Mortals Watch The Day")
- Icon (classic tracks: "Embers Fire", "True Belief", "Widow")
- Draconian Times (classic tracks: "Enchtantment", "Hallowed Land" (my favourite), "Forever Failure")

These 4 albums are absolutely awesome and essential to every Metal collection.