Parallel compression question


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I'm not familiar with this techique but it seems that's a good trick particularly for drums. So I watched some tutos including Pensado's and tried it.
I launched a CLA76 on an stereo aux track then I send my kick and my snare to it (pre fader). I set up the levels so I was happy with the processed signal then played both together. The result is not as good as I was hoping because I get a bad phasing, audible especially on snare and that's ruining the thing. Am I missing something or it's just a matter of finding the good balance between the source and the processed signal?
Oh I'm on PT10. Compensation is at max. I flip the phase on the para comp aux track to check but it's not that.
could be to do with the plugin not telling PT the correct compensation, although waves are usually pretty solid for that sort of thing.

have you tried another compressor? how about trying a CLA76 on the original bus as well but with the compression off - that way they'll both be delayed the same amount.

flipping the polarity won't work because the delay would only be a couple of samples.

when you get it working try fast attack and pretty fast release - it's awesome.
have you tried another compressor? how about trying a CLA76 on the original bus as well but with the compression off - that way they'll both be delayed the same amount.

I tried, it solves 90% of the problem but it still sounds weird. Same with another comp. Will post clips later. Thanks.
When I do parallels in PT's I have two aux's: One is the main drum bus and the other is the parallel bus. When you cascade latencies PT is often too dumb to know some things are going straight to the master while other things are going channel to aux to master.
Yeh cascade so each subsequent aux layer is met with a dry layer. I do several layers and multi bus thing itb when traveling this way and get no phase issues.
It blows my mind that this is something that still exists in a DAW. You should never, ever have to consciously think about this still while mixing. I think I'd lose focus/drive/momentum constantly.
If you're going from bus to bus you can get problems where it delay compensates twice. If you right click on the tracks you can disable delay compensation on just that track which solves the problem. I can't remember which tracks, if it's just the bus or not or both. That's enough info anyway, I'm sure you'll get it get if sorted with a little experimentation by disabling the delay compensation on individual tracks.

I do recall having this problem and thinking it was a bug but then I read the explanation and it made sense for it to work that way, something to do with you being able to compensate in two different ways.