Parallel compression setup in Cubase (SX 3)


Mar 20, 2002
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What I’ve done so far was to set up an FX channel with a comp and send all my snares, kicks and toms to it via FX sends and then adjust the level of the parallel compression with the fader of the FX channel. Maybe that was wrong (or at least not the full deal) but now I’ve come across the following few of parallel compression:

Create an FX (= parallel comp) channel FOR EACH drum (snare, kick, toms…) and have the original channel and parallel comp channel in one group (that could again be compressed, limited and so on…). That would basically leave me with three channels per drum. On being the original, the parallel compression track (FX channel) and the group channel to actually control the volume of the respective drum.

So far so good - the only problem is that Cubase can’t route an FX channel to a group… How do you guys solve that problem? Or do you have a different few on parallel compression in the first place?
you can make parallel compression by sending not the FX channel but to the group

good luck